Hello Leaders,
Welcome to Today. Today's Leadership and Personal Development tip deals with Celebration.
Maxim: We reap what we sow. It's a universal truth.
I had the privilege of being a guest speaker for a close friend and solid leader's surprise appreciation. He is the senior pastor of a large church in Chicago. It was such a blessing to see how the people showed their appreciation for their leader. Phrases such as "he cares about us," "he came when I was in need," "he called at just the right time," "he and his wife are so patient with us," "thank you for loving us the way you do," and many more similar comments were made.
His wife and he are passionate about helping the congregation grow. They are there with the people to celebrate the good times and pray through the sad times. Their people care about what this couple knows because they know how much this couple cares for them. Their congregation is being nurtured, taught, guided, protected, and corrected when necessary. This is what leaders do. They do not have to remind others of their titles. They just serve. They have sown abundantly.
Last Sunday was their turn to be served. They were able to reap what they had planted. They have planted love and reaped love. They planted support and encouragement and reaped the same. They received accolades and nice intangibles. They also received several nice gifts. The point I'm trying to make is do for others what you would like for them to do for you. Eventually, your turn will come and others will celebrate and bless you.
Reaping and sowing? Yes. It's a universal truth. If you want to become a good leader with loyal followers, start following a good leader loyally today. You want to see more collaboration in the workforce, start collaborating more effectively today. Be the change you want to see. Live a life worth celebrating... and before you know it... you will be celebrated.
Still looking for that promotion on the job? Try to help your manager get promoted so his or her spot will be open. Because you sowed into your manager's life, that manager will want to help you reap the benefits of helping him or her.
What do you really want to reap? Whatever it is, start sowing the seeds today. We really do reap what we sow. If you need help in this area, please contact me. Let me help bring out the best in you and/or your organization.
That's it for now. Until the next tip....
Mike Nwankwo
Founder & CEO
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